Week 13: The Resurrection

The miracle of Jesus’ resurrection is not just a one-time event… It is for us today.
Week 12: A Borrowed Colt

Jesus, the King of the world, used a donkey for His entrance into Jerusalem.
Week 11: Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight

How different would our prayer lives be if we went to God in prayer with specific prayers full of the same persistence and determination as Bartimaeus?
Week 10: The Transfiguration

Jesus took a few of his disciples on a mountain and was transfigured before them.
Week 9: When Jesus Refused a Miracle

Jesus performs miracles not as an attempt to convince hardened unbelievers but to demonstrate God’s power in the context of mercy.
Week 8: Jesus Heals the Deaf Man

We’ve heard so many instances of Jesus healing people up until this point, but there’s something different about this instance of healing.
Week 7: Jesus Walks on Water

In this scripture, before the disciples witness this miracle, you see a God who sees and cares for His children.
Week 6: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

Just prior to these verses, Jesus was hatefully run out of his hometown, lost his beloved cousin to a brutal beheading, and was hungry and exhausted.
Week 5: Jesus Heals the Bleeding Woman

Read: Mark 5:25–34 Reflect: I wonder how she felt as she left to find him. Was she hopeful? Still in despair? Did she feel like a fool for trying again? The woman in Mark 5:25–34 was suffering physically (she had been bleeding for 12 years), financially (she spent all of her money on doctors), and […]
Week 4: Jesus Heals a Demon Possessed Man

At first glance, the account of the demon-possessed man might seem outdated and irrelevant, but is it?