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July 21, 2024
Summertime Stories

Week 8 | Chris Emmitt

The character of abundant faith is evident in the way we pray and the way we persevere in our relationship with God. When things get tough or don't go the way we want, are you more apt to say God owes me this, or I wonder how God will show himself through this situation?
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July 14, 2024
Summertime Stories

Week 7 | Chris Emmitt

In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, both of their lives ended in death, both of their eternities were irreversible, and both had a chance to respond before they died, but only Lazarus chose Jesus, and that made all the difference for eternity.
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July 7, 2024
Summertime Stories

Week 6 | Chris Emmitt

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus challenges us to redefine who our neighbor is and what it means to love them. This parable, found in Luke 10:25–37, is a powerful reminder that our neighbors are not defined by their positions but by their proximity and our willingness to help.
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June 30, 2024
Summertime Stories

Week 5 | Chris Emmitt

While living reconciled in all our relationships would be ideal, it is not always wise or prudent. Forgiveness is about letting go or releasing someone from the hurt they have caused you. When we don't forgive, it is too easy for bitterness to take root, for us to hold on to anger, or to believe we can extract something from the offending party by not forgiving. Ultimately, by not forgiving, we give power to the person who has wronged us.
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Take a journey into a past Local Church Forsyth series.

Miracles in Mark

An enriching series on the Gospel of Mark, centered on its miraculous accounts! We will learn the significance of these miracles, inviting reflection and inspiration for our lives today.

Ruth’s story illustrates restoration through her redeemer, not by her own efforts. Her lost home, husband, and hope were all restored in ways she couldn’t have imagined, showcasing God’s power.


Take a journey into a past Local Church Forsyth series.

Miracles in Mark

An enriching series on the Gospel of Mark, centered on its miraculous accounts! We will learn the significance of these miracles, inviting reflection and inspiration for our lives today.

Ruth’s story illustrates restoration through her redeemer, not by her own efforts. Her lost home, husband, and hope were all restored in ways she couldn’t have imagined, showcasing God’s power.


Tune in to a recent message of biblical teaching.

Training in godliness is always better. But what does godliness do for us?

December 25, 2023

Week 4 |Change as needed

Pursuing peace through external achievements like vacations, titles, or wealth will, at best, provide relaxation, but it is not a calmness of your soul. Peace on earth is found only in the presence of God, not in the place or position you achieve.

December 17, 2023
Christmas at Local

Week 3 | Chris Emmitt

An everlasting God deserves your "everything" faith. Believe that God can and will keep his promises. It might not be the (exact) way you want Him to, but if you watch and wait in faith, He will!

December 10, 2023
Christmas at Local

Week 2 | Chris Emmitt

Jesus’ birth is the beginning of the end of sin and death. We needed a mighty God, a valiant warrior to conquer sin and death! 

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Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.