Global Missions

Fully following Jesus all across the world!

Mission trips provide an incredible opportunity to go out and be the church. At Local Church, we are deeply committed to reaching people both near and far.

Imagine what God could accomplish with your willing “Yes!” What if your efforts helped someone begin a life-changing relationship with Jesus?

Serve Days

We’d love for you to join us for the next SERVE DAY! On the second Saturday of each month, you’ll have the opportunity to serve alongside your family and friends.

We’ll meet at Local Church Forsyth at 8:30AM for prayer and a team huddle before heading out to visit local neighborhoods to provide lunch, fun activities for kids, prayer, and support for those in need. We can make a difference in our community and share God’s love in practical ways. We hope to see you there!

Local Grillers is an outreach arm of Local Church that exists to serve the needs of our community by providing a grill and grill team to support local events. While doing this guys can find community and enjoy serving together! 

Let us know how you can get involved and contribute to our community!


How can you serve in our community? We’re glad you asked. Contact one of these local organizations we work closely with. They are ready for you, your Bible study, your friend group, your family, etc., to serve.

The Place of Forsyth
The Place assists the people of Forsyth and Dawson Counties with essential needs with the goal of helping them become self-sustaining.

Possible volunteer needs include:

  • food pantry
  • food delivery
  • thrift stores
  • support/life skills programs
  • donations
  • homeless support
  • light construction and yard work
  • and so much more

No Longer Bound
No Longer Bound is a long-term, residential, faith-based program for men in addiction

Possible volunteer needs include:

  • donate/prepare meals
  • thrift stores
  • donations
  • light construction and yard work
  • mentoring
  • admin support
  • event assistance

Forsyth County Schools
Forsyth County Schools need mentors who, along with parents, provide young people with support, friendship, reinforcement, and constructive examples. Mentors are good listeners who care and want to help young people develop existing strengths.

Family Promise of Forsyth County
Family Promise serves families in Forsyth County experiencing homelessness. They provide a safe place to stay, meals, and programs to help these families gain or regain sustainable independence.

Possible volunteer needs include:

  • cooking meals
  • eating meals with families
  • hosting activities with families
  • mentoring
  • driving
  • serving on a committee
  • serving in the office