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October 27, 2024
The Generous Life

Week 2 | Chris Emmitt

Drawing on the relationship between Paul and Timothy, Pastor Chris underscores the responsibility we all have to encourage those around us. Ultimately, he challenges us to come to the end of our lives fully devoted to serving God and influencing others, ensuring that we are making an eternal impact.
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January 5, 2025
Turn The Page : Week 1

Chris Emmitt

This week’s message explores the transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua, emphasizing that while challenges remain the same, God's promises of provision, protection, and presence do not change. It encourages us to enter the new year with confidence and obedience, grounded in God's Word.
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October 20, 2024
The Generous Life

Week 1 | Chris Emmitt

This new message series focuses on the importance of practicing generosity in every area of your life. This week specifically focuses on viewing work as a way to honor God and serve others. You will be encouraged to live a generous life, pouring yourself out in service while trusting God to work in the hearts of others.
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October 13, 2024

Week 10 | Chris Emmitt

This message emphasizes the importance of the Armor of God as essential protection against spiritual attacks. Although attacks will occur, the Armor of God will keep you standing firm.
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October 6, 2024

Week 9 | Robert Emmitt

This week’s message dives into a discussion on marriage, family, and work based on Ephesians 5 and 6. It emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and love in marriage, along with children obeying their parents and fathers nurturing their kids. Additionally, it provides practical advice for a successful life, including working hard, being early, and maintaining good relationships, all while trusting in God's guidance.
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March 2, 2025

The Longest Week : The Cost of Devotion

Chris Emmitt

This message examines the last week of Jesus’ life through the Gospel of John. It highlights three responses to Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. The congregation is urged to reflect on their own devotion, emphasizing that it requires sacrifice and humility.

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February 23, 2025

Missions Sunday

Chris Emmitt

This message emphasizes the role of believers in spreading the Gospel, inspired by Jesus’ final words in Acts 1:6-11. He shares stories of local, regional, and global outreach efforts by the church, including a local Serve Day that led to conversions, support for a church in Asheville, and significant church planting in the 1040 window, a region with many unreached people.

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February 16, 2025

The Heart of God

Christian Pruitt

This message focuses on the church’s mission to seek and save the lost, as Jesus did. Using the parable of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15, he highlights themes of repentance, grace, and the Father’s joy when the lost return.

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February 9, 2025

Turn The Page : Week 6

Chris Emmitt

This message discusses Joshua 24, where Joshua gives his final speech to the Israelites, urging them to recognize that their blessings come from God and to choose to serve Him over idols. It emphasizes the importance of a lifelong commitment to God, remembering His past deeds, and submitting to His future plans.

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Take a journey into a past Local Church Forsyth series.

Miracles in Mark

An enriching series on the Gospel of Mark, centered on its miraculous accounts! We will learn the significance of these miracles, inviting reflection and inspiration for our lives today.

Ruth’s story illustrates restoration through her redeemer, not by her own efforts. Her lost home, husband, and hope were all restored in ways she couldn’t have imagined, showcasing God’s power.


Take a journey into a past Local Church Forsyth series.

Miracles in Mark

An enriching series on the Gospel of Mark, centered on its miraculous accounts! We will learn the significance of these miracles, inviting reflection and inspiration for our lives today.

Ruth’s story illustrates restoration through her redeemer, not by her own efforts. Her lost home, husband, and hope were all restored in ways she couldn’t have imagined, showcasing God’s power.


Tune in to a recent message of biblical teaching.

Training in godliness is always better. But what does godliness do for us?

December 25, 2023

Week 4 |Change as needed

Pursuing peace through external achievements like vacations, titles, or wealth will, at best, provide relaxation, but it is not a calmness of your soul. Peace on earth is found only in the presence of God, not in the place or position you achieve.

December 17, 2023
Christmas at Local

Week 3 | Chris Emmitt

An everlasting God deserves your "everything" faith. Believe that God can and will keep his promises. It might not be the (exact) way you want Him to, but if you watch and wait in faith, He will!

December 10, 2023
Christmas at Local

Week 2 | Chris Emmitt

Jesus’ birth is the beginning of the end of sin and death. We needed a mighty God, a valiant warrior to conquer sin and death! 

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8:30A + 9:45A + 11:15A